Knight divinity original sin
Knight divinity original sin

knight divinity original sin knight divinity original sin knight divinity original sin

The way forward is linear so I won't be mentioning much other than a waypoint shrine (Luculla Forest - Troll King Cave Entrance)(x:355, y:195). Instead fight it and this will make more enemies spawn as you go along, making the EXP optimal. Start heading across the bridge to the NE of the area where you fought the mini-boss, your characters will mention that they could sneak pass the goblin, don't do that. Make sure to use the choke points as this fight could be a bit bothersome. There'll be a few encounters including one with a mini-boss (x:341, y:134). Teleport to Luculla Forest - Cabin of the White Witch and you'll want to head N and E to where you fought Grumble the toll troll (x:256, y:139) and then head S from there and E again.

Knight divinity original sin